I was really lucky to be asked to speak at this years Lead on Wales event, Leadership in a digital age. I was asked to run a session on reach and influence, given my interest in social media!
Before I share the slides I have to say I made a schoolboy error on this one. Pushed for time, I managed to write and edit the presentation, but didn’t get a chance to run through it to rehearse. The event was made up of some opening remarks by Dr Jonathan Deacon of the University of South Wales and then the keynote by the brilliant Barbara Chidgey. By the way, you must read Barbara’s blog, its excellent.
Following Barbara’s keynote, I, and the speakers, gave the first of our talks. I had 40 minutes allocated and managed to get only half way through the presentation!
Apologies to the first audience, I didn’t get to tell you about the second half at all! I did manage to make the points I’d wanted to, but at the expense of half the content. Maybe there is a lesson in brevity there!
People were very kind however, and said that they’d enjoyed it in any case. Lucky me!
The second run through was much better paced. Though, a little secret between me and you? I still didn’t finish the presentation! There was one more page to go when I had to wrap up – still at least this one made more sense!
I kicked off with a video from Eric Qualman to set the scene. Eric is now famous for those little ‘social media videos’ and I love them for the impact they have on an audience. Eric stuns us with information on things like the very latest statistics about mobile take up and the size of the leading social media networks.
The main inspiration for the presentation however was the recent talk given by Mark Schaefer in Swansea. Mark took us through some of the lessons in his new book Social Media Explained (not an affiliated link) And some of the ideas from that book have made it into this presentation.
Especially Marks ideas on what he calls the social media mindset
1. Targeted Reach
2. Meaningful Content
3. Authentic Helpfulness
Mark has always inspired my journey when it comes to his understanding of social media, and I strongly recommend any, and in fact all of his books.
Anyway, without much further ado, here is the presentation, using the rather fab platform Slideshare for the first time. Looks great embedded in the post I think!